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Abstract Background

I came as an old soul

Deep wisdom I hold

A long way I have come to the now

Tons are carried with me

To release and transform

For long I have been lingering in the past

For now I am crawling out of the shadows

My soul never leaves me alone

She sees how my journey gradually unfolds

All that I have been through 

Paved the way to a new dawn

So behold the light within

And walk steadily on the path

The Above needs me to walk the way Below

There's so much love holding us on the road

Blessings from ancestors in dreams

Spirit guiding from the unseen

Hands on my shoulder, feathers in my robe

They remind me gently, that

"You are always loved and held

You are always worthy and beautiful

We are always here walking beside you

There's always love you can turn to

Always healing you can open up to

So dear child, choose to heal with love

Darkness has been a great teacher

But in the end, the name of your greatest healer

Is love."

The healer for me, the healer for all

Love is where we shall all return

In the end, it is love that heals it all

In the end, it is love that heals it all



by Lumi,

June 2024

Illumina (Changyi Li)

or Lumi the free soul

Heal and empower the heart through authentic expression & Honour the ancient in the new way


Empath  |  intuitive  |  wisdom holder  |  seer  |  nature mystic  |  non-religious spiritual practitioner

Lumi would call herself more of a healer instead of a visionary artist, since all her expression centres on the mission to bring healing energy and empowerment to the world. Lumi's expression is on healing themes such as personal growth, spirituality, connection to nature and ancient wisdom. She has a strong connection with shamanism, and holds deep love and reverence to earth-based spiritual traditions. Currently, Lumi's expression is mainly through digital art, accompanied by channelled writing and poetry. 


The heart is the core and the soul is the source of Lumi's expression. To the artist-healer, art has to have a soul to heal, and it has to come from an authentic place within. It is the status of being of the artist that gets projected through the art, and it is always the intangible aspect of the art - feelings, emotions, energies, that truly touches people's hearts. Because of her highly sensitive and empathetic nature, Lumi taps into energy fields easily, and her art is mostly channelled with little conscious planning, high spontaneity and free flow. 


Having no background in professional training, Lumi's expression grew into its unique form and recorded her inner journey of growth and transformation. Over time, Lumi's art carries more heart energy as her healing progresses. From her experiences, Lumi embodies the grounded spiritual practising that self-healing is the base of bringing healing to others.

“From the beginning I have a sense of destiny, as though my life was assigned to me by fate and had to be fulfilled. This gave me an inner security... I did not have this certainty, it had me... That gave me the strength to go my own way.”


C. G. Jung

Abstract Background
Shaman healer slight crop_edited_edited_
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The Journey of the Artist-healer
Self-exploration, self-healing & soul seeking

Art found me from quite a young age. I still remember clearly when I was asked what I wanted to be in the future before going to school, I said I wanted to be an artist. It is interesting how these childhood instincts expressed my soul’s calling.

But around that time, I didn’t know.


My soul had been waiting for years till my teenage age, when it knocked open the door of esoterics and mysticism, and led me into the realm of the inner and the unseen. 

At the same time, I started to confront some deep unknown emotions and visceral sentiments which seemed to be coming from nowhere.

Feeling loaded, lost and bewildered, I found difficult to find my place in this modern and fast-going three-dimensional world.

There have been many voices around on how my path should unfold. 

There were many accustomed values and programming in me which did not belong to myself.

These mental chaos became overwhelming and soon made me forget my childhood inner voice.

I assumed art wouldn’t be my way. I assumed my life would be the same as what others around me suggested.


During my high school time in the UK, I faced depression at university application stage when I was struck by enormous inner discontentment and disorientation. Around that time I realised I wasn’t doing the things I truly love, and this led to a drastic change in my university offer from science to architecture.

It was then I realised that my artistic fire has not been put off, and I so desperately needed it to keep burning to bring me light.


After quite a struggle, I eventually managed to get into my dream university doing my dream course.

But I was heavily exhausted. Something deep within had to change to truly align myself on my path - those imposed social values, mental programming and false beliefs that imprisoned my heart and hindered me from living the true life of my own.

I was soon led on my path, started off by facing a strange but strong fatigue which lasted for a month. This put me out of work, and pushed me to find healing.

Then, I got connected to my first spiritual guide in human form, who offered me immense support and insight, and guided me onto my path. She later became my Buddhist teacher.

The journey for me officially began, and that was the year 2019.


During the pandemic lockdown, healing waves heightened within me while at the same time, my expression found me again.

I was called to draw a series of illustration on some quotes of C.G.Jung’s autobiography Memories, Dreams, Reflections. This was the first-ever art project of my own - a deeply opening and profound experience.

I felt the calling, strong and affirming, that I would need to express things from the heart and soul through art.

When I felt it, I knew it was the way. Although I still wavered. Although fear and uncertainty still threatened to take me over. But deep down I found that cord which could anchor me into the vast realm of stillness and peace.

That was the beginning of my self-exploration through expression.


I soon started exploring Sumi-ink paintings intuitively, and was intrigued by the process of free flow. Many pieces were sent to friends who resonated with the art. I found this process deeply nourishing and healing, and the feedback and comments to me were affirming and encouraging. 

I knew my expression is needed by many. This affirmed my way to become a artist-healer.

This was the beginning of my service through art, and I used the pseudonym HeartLotus for all the work around that time, a name given by my Buddhist teacher.


After university, my focus shifted from Sumi-ink to digital painting, and soon found my style and way of expression. My channel has been the same, it was just the change in medium.

I also started travelling around England to visit ancient sites. Nature and the ancient invited me inwards, and connected me to the land and the wisdom and spiritual traditions from the past.

More and more I remembered who I truly am - my soul identity as a shaman, or a wounded healer, walking her way of self-healing and bringing healing to others.


My art grew and flourished as my healing journey unfolded, many turned out to record my inner transformation and expansion, as well as the spiritual teachings I encountered along the way.

Soon, other free-form expressions found me such as intuitive writing, poetry, ecstatic dancing and singing.


In 2023 I separated from my Buddhist teacher’s group, and setting off on my own journey following my inner guides in a complete new self.

Since then, I changed my artist name from HeartLotus to Illumina, or Lumi, meaning “to light up” or “the light-bringer”.

In the peaceful town of Totnes, Devon, UK, I started card selling at the weekend market. Again, this process of connecting to like-minded souls through art brought deep nourishment to me. I knew I had to walk my way from the heart, from what I am truly passionate about and from what brings me joy and spiritual abundance. 


After the beginning of 2024, my work started to expand as my healing went deeper. I felt called to participate in gallery open calls, as well as submitting pieces to magazines.

After experiencing a Vision Quest ceremony on Dartmoor in May, I felt the future calling me strongly to step out further as the healer I inherently am. Everything has been preparing for me on my way, and now, it is time.


So now I look forward to welcoming in new opportunities and connecting to like-minded souls whose paths align with mine, to help bringing more love and light to empower people’s heart, and to bring healing through authentic expression.

Experiences & Achievements


BSc (Hons) Architecture, University of Bath


The Mundus Imaginalis, course on Jungian psychoanalysis

Issued by The Centre for Applied Jungian Studies




September - January 2024

Card sale at Totnes weekend market, Devon


15 -22 December

Painting From the Source showcased in the INFINITY Exhibition

held by The Holy Art Gallery, London




12 - 28 January

Digital art Remember You from the Garden showcased in the Art On Loop London - Athens Digital Exhibition

held by The Holy Art Gallery, London


13 January - 13 February

Digital art Nature Mystic and Passage to Light showcased in the virtual exhibition

held by The Holy Art Gallery, London


9 - 22 February

Digital art There Is Only Love in the Infinity of the Heart showcased in the Heart Centered exhibition

held by the Fox Yard Studio, Suffolk


8-13 March

Art Gateway to A New Heaven and The Deep Serenity Within showcased in the Inner World exhibition

held by Boomer Gallery, London.


Painting Drumming Under the Moon showcased in UK’s Witches Magazine Summer Issue 2024


Selected by the international creative platform Arts To Hearts Project to be featured in the annual book

100 Emerging Artist: Women’s Edition 2024


Brainz Magazine Executive Contributor, selected by Brainz Magazine

The Way of the artist-healer
Core values & beliefs

Expressions find me for a reason, aligns to my mission to bring healing to the world. My love for art and spirituality, my self-healing journey and my mission as an artist-healer are never discrete aspects of me, but woven into one holistic being.

I am not here to save the world, but to fulfil my mission to connect and serve those who tune in. My art is not for everyone, but that's how it should be. Commercial art does not interest me and do not sell my digital art as NFTs. My art should be for all who wish to tune in.

It is a time of collective awakening, this includes collective remembrance, healing and transcendence. Art comes to me, comes through me, and speaks not only for myself but for all who walk this journey.

Expression from the heart is most healing and irreplaceable. I am here for the hearts. I am a strong advocate of "acting from the heart" - from what calls you. Success and fame should come as the by-product of doing the work from the heart, instead of being the ultimate goal. 


​I am not interested in fitting into the norm. The "norm" to a big extent hinders the individual from becoming his true self. I am always a rebel who challenges prevalent social values by walking the way of my own. All of us are unique, and so it should be. What everyone else is doing might not be something that truly serve us on the way. Constantly we are all changing and evolving; the new is birthing from the old - that's how it should be.

I am not the only creator behind my work. I am the one on stage, seen by the public, but I have a whole backstage of unseen empowering and holding me and what I do. They are my tribal ancestors, spirit guides, angelic beings, Grandmother Earth and Grandfather Sky, Mother Nature, as well as the energies and presence of all inspiring souls I encountered along the way e.g. friends, teachers, soul mates. My work is always a tribute to all of them. Without their presence, me and my art will not be here.

There are a lot for our humanity to call back and remember - wisdom from the past, sovereignty and greatest of life, and our true identity as love. There is deep wisdom from the ancient surfacing and re-entering the public awareness. I am one of those medicine carriers of ancient wisdom and a big part of my mission is to speak the ancient voice through art to reconnect our modern minds to our ancient roots. There lies the secret to our deep healing.

All healing work that truly empowers and transforms is down to the healer committing to his/her self-healing and growth journey. It is the energy of the healer that draws the audience and ignites more hearts. For the torches to be passed on, there has to be the initial fire in one's heart. I am the illuminated heart that pass on the fire, and I shall keep my fire burning in order to guide those in the dark through the night.

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